+91 7318992100;
+91 7318992100;
About Us
Rajeev Gandhi Youth Computer Institute (RGYCI) has been registered under the public Trust Act. 21 Reg. (W.B) Rule 1962/1968; vide Registration Number 190303688. Our Institute also certified by the Under CR Act. 1957 and ISO 9001:2015 , Ministry of Human Research & Development (HRD), Govt. of India.
Our Institute established in the year 2012. The main function of the Trust is to provide higher education like Computer, Technical and Vocational Education for every group of urban and rural areas to get success in computer revolution which is the main dream of Indian Government. RGYCI is a non Commercial organization engaged in the work of social welfare, started with a mission to education service and spread literacy to all class of people.
Our students are employed in reputed organization both in India as well as out side of country. The key to success in ensuring quality training by the our heighly qualified experts. Provide education for the rural youth enabling him to play a part of the Global Development.
Head Office : Habra, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal
Phone : +91 7318992100
Email : ho@rgyci.org